Surprise Blessing of the Day

I always enjoy the treat of an all male praise team, but today was an extra special blessing. Seeing so many men leave their comfort zone to go up front and praise God with their voices touched my heart. They sounded wonderful, but what struck me the most was how many men were on that stage. These are the men who step up as leaders in the church, in their families, and in the community. Some lead very visibly, but many lead quietly by example. Let us remember to uplift these men in our prayers on a regular basis. They can use the we all can. Have a blessed week.

Janice Lenoir

How to Arrive at Your Destination Without a Map

It was interesting to watch the GPS in our van constantly "recalculating" our route on the way to Minnesota. At one point it actually took us in a 3 mile circle twice before we had to help it "reset itself". I was reminded in my own life how each morning I must enter Jesus into my GPS (God Positioning System) to guide me thru the day, waiting for the Spirits promptings to do this or avoid that as I make choices that may or may not glorify God. I find my own internal (Holy Spirit) GPS constantly "recalculating" my route of sanctification, as I continue to make God honoring decisions. As I make the right choices the road becomes less congested I soon find myself on an "expressway" to God. Occasionally I have also found myself on a road with "no access" and had to turn around and reset my destination. This is never fun and the lost time is hard to recover.

I was reminded in Joshua 3:1-13 when Joshua led the people of Israel a "brand new way", "Yet there shall be a distance between you and the ark of 3000ft or 1/2 mile".  Just far enough to see the ark, but too far to see exactly what God would do. Ark was out in front. "It will show you the way to go for you have not passed this way before."

Jesus wants to lead us through mystery, opportunity and difficulty. So often we want Jesus to bless the choices we've already made, when he wants to be out in front. Leading us through the "mind fields" of life. Just like the children of Israel, we don't have to know when, where or why. He alone will lead us to victory.

So don't worry about the road map, worry instead about the relationship with the one who made the universe, the stars, the world, the roads and yes the maps!! :)

Darwin Hughey


If your experience is like mine, you have heard the book of Jonah preached many times.  In fact, when a familiar book or passage like this is taught again we might even wonder if there is something still to learn since we have heard it so many times.  It is good to remember that God's word is living and powerful.
Each Sunday morning we watch/listen to the live stream of the 8 am service from Jordan and Erin's church in Ft. Myers, Florida.  McGregor Baptist Church is a great lighthouse in southwest Florida, and we enjoy it so much (FYI: Esther Murphy's daughter Kathy attends there as well as Melissa Miller's parents).  On Sunday, January 29, Pastor Richard Powell referred to Jonah 1:3, "But Jonah rose to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the LORD.  He went down to Joppa and found a ship going to Tarshish.  So he paid the fare and went on board, to go with them to Tarshish, away from the presence of the LORD."
As if we can get away from an omnipresent God, Jonah turned away from God's plan for his life, and he paid the fare.  Pastor Posell noted that when we go our own way, we pay the fare, but when we go God's way, the fare has been paid for us!
Such a great thought - makes me think of Titus 3:4,5a, "But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, He saved us!"
All glory to our great Savior!

Judy Wyse