Praise Team wins Lottery!

Just wanted to see if anyone on the Praise team(s) is reading the BLOG. I know I have not used as much as I thought I would but I want to...(wow, that sounds like a line from the president's speech...the "I" man.) Anyhooo, send a reply and let me know.
Share with me your thoughts of what you think our Worship Mission & goals should be.

This Sunday is Joe's Team: Steve, Donna, Kristin, Becky, Merv, Dave, Zach, Leeanne. There will be practice on Wednesday night. THANKS!


  1. Good morning! Yes, I'm checking the blog. Sorry, I don't have time to write more, because I'm trying to figure how to make the blog my home page.
    Have a blessed day in Him.

  2. Wow, the lottery? Can we get some new percussion instruments? I have a thought for the purpose and vision of the Worship Team but I have to think a bit to figure out how to state it.

  3. OK, I have a thought. 1) I hope that in defining our vision for worship that we will always define ourselves with deeper issues than style and form. I believe that Pastor Mike gave us a statement that had several points from another church that defined it quite well. 2) It is my prayer that when we lead the congregation in worship that they are merely "catching" us in our worship of God and that they get caught up and join in on that worship. 3) It would be nice to state somewhere that we are always looking to add people to the teams allowing them to use the gifts that God has graciously measured out to them. It is ok that not everyone serve on a praise team but anyone should be able to serve if so led.

  4. Here is a link to a very good sermon on worship: that you may have to copy to your address bar to get to. I have always felt that the right kind of worship to be led at our church is when the congregation can "catch" the praise team in their own personal worship of God and then are led to corporate worship. Maybe there will be some ideas that will come from reading or listening to this sermon.

  5. Praying for The Youth Team this week. Thanks, you guys, for leading us each 4th Sunday!

  6. Joe, thanks for your understanding in my not being at the meeting on this Thursday night. Rest assured, I will be praying for you as you lead that meeting.
