On the Beatitudes and Obedience

"The Beatitudes are among the literary are religious treasures of the human race. Along with the Ten Commandments, the Twenty-Third Psalm, The Lord’s Prayer, and a very few other passages from the Bible, they are acknowledged by almost everyone to be among the highest expressions of religious insight and moral inspiration. We can savor them, affirm them, meditate upon them, and engrave them on plaques to hang on our walls. But a major question remains: How are we to live in response to them?"

Dallas Willard, The Divine Conspiracy


  1. Thank you for the post. Yes, I did note the time of the post as well. Well done! Thank you for your labor of love as you study and open God's Word to us.

  2. Still haven't had a chance to read The Divine Conspiracy.. I'm excited to dig deeper into the Beatitudes.

  3. By the way, I'm wondering if we should put our contact information in its own link at the top rather than under services. Maybe even with a picture of the church?

  4. I have read The Divine Conspiracy a couple of times - it is one of those books that you read once and know you'll come back to again. Willard packs so much into his sentences and yet is very readable. He has a unique take on the beatitudes - I'm not sure that he gets it right, but it is interesting.

  5. A huge discussion in Christianity today is that we all have to go into foreign Mission. Blog roil with this Topic, So How are we to live in response to the Beatitudes?
    my take? Live our life for Christ alone, in obedience to his Holy Word.Christ ahead of me, Christ behind, Christ above me Christ under me. In all things Christ.

  6. Rick, this is definitely the best way to live your life. When we're fully surrendered to His will, He will send us into foreign ministry. If it's His will to be a living testimony in the community we live in, then that's where He will place us. It's all good with God's love!
