On the Beatitudes and Obedience

"The Beatitudes are among the literary are religious treasures of the human race. Along with the Ten Commandments, the Twenty-Third Psalm, The Lord’s Prayer, and a very few other passages from the Bible, they are acknowledged by almost everyone to be among the highest expressions of religious insight and moral inspiration. We can savor them, affirm them, meditate upon them, and engrave them on plaques to hang on our walls. But a major question remains: How are we to live in response to them?"

Dallas Willard, The Divine Conspiracy

Honoring the Graduates

Please make plans to join us next Sunday, June 5, as we honor the graduates that have been a part of the Saints Alive Youth Ministries. There are ten of them. They have many accomplishments in their high school years for which to give God thanks. Our prayer is that they will seek "first the kingdom of God and His righteousness..."

Saints Alive Web Page

There is now a link to the Saints Alive webpage on the Home page of the GMBC blog as well as on the Saints Alive tab of the blog. Check it out. The Saints Alive calendar is on the youth webpage. Will do my best to keep it updated.

Upcoming Sermon Series

I plan to begin a new sermon series this Sunday from the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1-7:29). In Matthew's Gospel, there is a general pattern of narrative backdrop followed by an extended portion of Jesus' teaching. You may want to read chapters 3 and 4 for the backdrop to the Sermon on the Mount.

D. Martin Lloyd-Jones, London's WWII pastor, wrote concerning this text,

If you want to have power in your life and to be blessed, go straight to the Sermon on the Mount. Live and practice it and give yourself to it... Face the Sermon on the Mount and its implications and demands, see your utter need, and then you will get it. It is the direct road to blessing.

...I suggest to you it [this passage of Scripture] is the best means of evangelism... The world today is looking for, and desperately needs, true Christians.

...If only all of us were living the Sermon on the Mount, men would know that there is dynamic in the Christian gospel; they would know that this is a live thing; they would not go looking for anything else. They would say, 'Here it is.' And if you read the history of the Church you will find it has always been when men and women have taken this sermon seriously and faced themselves in the light of it, that true revival has come. And when the world sees the truly Christian man, it not only feels condemned, it is drawn, it is attracted."

Welcome to Our Church Blog

Well, our church is finally arriving on the internet.
We've been experimenting with this blog as a tool for our 'face' on the internet and so far we really like the dynamics of this tool as opposed to a full blown web site. It is easy to work with and allows some interaction.

Please browse around the various page tabs and let us know what you think.

Praise Team wins Lottery!

Just wanted to see if anyone on the Praise team(s) is reading the BLOG. I know I have not used as much as I thought I would but I want to...(wow, that sounds like a line from the president's speech...the "I" man.) Anyhooo, send a reply and let me know.
Share with me your thoughts of what you think our Worship Mission & goals should be.

This Sunday is Joe's Team: Steve, Donna, Kristin, Becky, Merv, Dave, Zach, Leeanne. There will be practice on Wednesday night. THANKS!