Hebrews 13:15: “Through Him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge His name.”
Special music is a very meaningful part of the corporate worship at GMBC. It’s a great extension of the Praise Team’s ministry! I want it to be “special” in a couple ways: That it is unique – not the normal routine of that week’s music ministry. And that it is a sacrifice of praise in our own hearts – acknowledging His Name.
Thank you for letting me put your name on this schedule! Please put together a song which could include a solo, duet, trio, or group of any size! It could include you, or members of your family, or you and a friend. Vocal or instrumental…or both! Be creative…and enjoy!
This schedule is very flexible. You can switch with someone else if the date indicated doesn’t work for you. Please confirm your plans with the praise team leader for the week you are scheduled, so that we will know where to include you in the service. I know your participation will be a blessing and encouragement to both you and others.
Thanks again,
Oct. 16 - Teen Group (It would be cool to see a group of teens…SAYIT age
through Saints Alive. I’d be happy to help organize.)
Oct. 30 - Men’s Quartet (Come on guys…you can do it!)
Nov. 6 - Davis
Nov. 20 - Lenoir
Dec. 4 - Piano/organ duet